Artificial Intelligence
For the last several years Clovis Star has experimented with several technologies, and one of those is AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language).
Some of our testing has been on social media platforms with chatbots that have been made for google+, facebook, youtube, twitter, and LinkedIn.
The basic functions of the bots are to tweet content that I prescribe it, with corresponding images, most of which are images that our team have created in our design studio.
A more advanced use that we have tested some a long the way, is setting up topics, and some deep learning, and adding conversational lessons about topics, content, grammar and basic logic using sources like Wikiquote and Wikidata. So for example if someone came to my facebook page and started talking about Ron Paul, I have programmed to sources of data to pull from when that keyword is used in a particular context, and then the bot will comment and post an image with some image parimeters guiding the process for selecting and posting corresponding text.
This bot is programming with timing and a limitation algorithm with sets particular parameters. So far it has done a pretty good job.
Another example from my personal experience is my Twitter bots, some which I have built or assembled, and some that were more prepackaged.
With this bot, I can do with what I do on Facebook, but loading it with images and a csv file with text, sentences, paragraphs and quotes, plus images in either random or corresponding matches. However with both bots I can allow it to learn and do some of it’s own internally guided actions and responses. I have tested this on twitter, and with that twitter account, it posts everything that I retweet, or tweet to my facebook main page. It often gets kind of whacky.
Soon I will give the algorithm and internet knowledge base from an encyclopedia that we are building at this link:
I love learning more about our visitors, and this chat bot allows us to understand the feelings, thoughts and logic on topics that we bring up on our channels.
With those conversations, the bot will learn new things, and will “grow up” so to speak. So long as I give the bot a little guidance, it will grow in to a very intelligent and helpful member of my team. So far the bot is doing great. It needs a lot of work, and the more our guests chat with the bot, the more it will learn.
For reference the channels that we are currently using a chat bot on are;
You will notice the bot for each page is different. It has different logic, a different attitude, and different objectives, and possibly a different avatar.
Soon we are adding a bot with a lot of cannabis related material on and we will put a chat room with a chatbot moderator at
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I speak more about this in this video that I posted on May 17th 2018.
I speak about the chat bots, the AI, and the progress, as well as a project that I am working on for